QPWS takes action against Mount Ngungun vandalism

Issued: 8 Jul 2024

Graffiti drawings on rock surface at Mount NgugunOpen larger image

Vandalism on Mount Ngungun is illegal, can cause irreversible damage to the environment and is disrespectful to the Kabi Kabi people who have a strong connection to the area.

National park vandals are being put on notice following a recent spate of graffiti and damage to the popular Mount Ngungun peak, leaving Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) rangers and volunteers to clean up the iconic rocky outcrop.

On Thursday, 4 July 2024, QPWS received a report from park visitors of fresh graffiti, including the use of paint and names carved into rocks, near the end of the main Mount Ngungun walking track in Glass House Mountains National Park.

Mount Ngungun attracts about 5,000 visitors a week, and disappointingly a small percentage of these visitors deliberately vandalise the National Park, some of which have used power tools to carve deep into the mountain peak and cliff faces.

Ranger in Charge James Plant said this disgraceful behaviour is not acceptable.

“It is extremely disappointing to see selfish people cause this type of damage to the mountain,” Ranger James said.

“Not only is this type of vandalism extremely disrespectful, but it looks terrible and is difficult or sometimes impossible to remove.

“This means that every person who graffities this beautiful area is contributing to irreversible changes that undermine the park’s cultural and environmental values.”

QPWS takes vandalism in protected areas extremely seriously, any person caught interfering with anything within the national park can face up to two years imprisonment or be fined up to $483,900.

Not only is defacing Glass House Mountains National Park illegal, but it can cause irreversible damage to the environment and is disrespectful to the Kabi Kabi people who have a strong connection to the area.

Rangers will work with volunteers from the Friends of Parks group this week to remove as much of the graffiti as possible.