Consultation on changes to composting facility standards

14 June 2024 5pm
Environmental licensing and regulation

The Queensland Government is seeking feedback on a proposal for legislative changes that aim to prescribe the standard for composting facilities. These changes will over time address odour issues, reduce their impact on neighbouring residential developments and the environment and improve the recovery and circulation of valuable organic materials.

Queenslanders are invited to have their say on a proposal for legislative changes that could reduce the impact of odour from composting facilities on nearby communities.

Community concerns regarding odour from composting facilities has highlighted the need to ensure that these operations meet certain standards if they are located close to residential areas.

The proposed changes would enable the regulator to require composting facilities near residential areas use in-vessel or enclosed processing for highly odorous waste. Also, that transporters of highly odorous waste do not take waste to sites which do not meet these requirements.

We are also seeking feedback from industry about help that would assist businesses transition to the new standards.

Consultation closes at 5pm on Friday 14 June 2024.

To participate, visit In the Loop and complete the survey or make a written submission.